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Spirituality Day at All Saints Primary School February 2023

Hindu Day at All Saints Primary School - Autumn term 2022

Collective worship

During homeschooling there are lots of things we are all missing, including our time together during collective worship.

Please find a link below to a collective worship that you can share with your family focused on Easter.
Including printable Easter resources from NISCU.

Many Thanks NISCU for your support.


Ukraine Crisis 2022

Please find on the link below a collective worship on what is happening in the Ukraine. The children will be seeing and hearing lots of different news which can be worrying and upsetting. The clip below helps the children to understand what is happening and to talk if they feel upset or worried. It also looks at practical ways in which we can help in a positive way.

Prayer to share:
Lord God, we ask for you to be with all – especially children who are suffering as the crisis in Ukraine deteriorates. Lord for those who are anxious and fearful. For those who are bereaved, injured or who have lost their lives. And for those who have lost loved ones. Amen

All Saints is a Voluntary Controlled Church of England School.  The religious education given at the school is, by law, of a non-doctrinal nature, not distinctive of any particular denomination, but the expectation is that it will be broadly Christian in content and outlook.


The 1988 Education Act requires schools to include religious education in the curriculum, and to have daily acts of worship.  Arrangements are made for those children whose parents wish them to be withdrawn.


The Revised Cumbria Agreed Syllabus 2017 gives children the opportunity to develop both their knowledge and understanding about religion, their own beliefs and values; as well as enabling them to reflect on their own experiences in light of their learning about religion.  In Nursery and Reception children start with familiar experiences such as birthdays, Christmas gifts and family celebrations, which provide a basis for sharing religious celebration and ceremony.  Christianity is taught throughout the school, together with Hinduism at Key Stage 1 and Hinduism and Islam at Key Stage 2, as well as a knowledge and understanding of major religions practised in Britain.  We cover the Christianity curriculum 'Understanding Christianity' syllabus.  This ensures the key concepts progress throughout the school. 


At the heart of our RE , as a church school, is the teaching of Christianity but learning about and learning from other faiths and fostering respect for other religions and world views is also fundamental. Through the study of a variety of world religions,  we aim to promote an attitude of understanding and tolerance through increasing children’s knowledge about other people’s beliefs, values and religious practices. 



Within the school we try to maintain a broadly Christian, caring attitude, with an emphasis on love and consideration for one’s neighbour, and an appreciation of the innate value of every person within the school community. We promote our Christian values through our RE teaching so that children can reflect on them throughout the broader curriculum. It is expected that the children will visit “our church”,  All Saints, on several occasions during their time at the school. The religious leaders within our community also make regular visits into school and take part in and leading our collective worships.   



Year One children enjoyed learning all about the Hindu festival of light Diwali.

The KS2 children shared the nativity and wonderful singing to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

The children in KS1 really enjoyed sharing their learning of the Christmas story with their parents and carers. It was especially lovely to be in All Saints Church.
